Two scenes in the trailer open the door for a couple interesting arrivals and wrinkles in the Avengers’ plan to defeat Thanos.

The trailer for Avengers 4 — now officially titled Avengers: Endgame — arrived on Friday morning, offering a first look at the final chapter of the Avengers cinematic saga and raising a couple big questions in the process.

Unlike Avengers trailers of the past, the Avengers: Endgame trailer does not contain snippets of giant fight scenes, nor do we see our favorite superheroes show off any of their powers. Thanos, the main villain of Avengers: Infinity War, barely makes an appearance outside of one scene where he’s walking through a field.

Instead, we see characters like Captain America and Black Widow mourning their vaporized colleagues and trying to figure out a plan to save the world. There are also moments featuring Hawkeye in a new costume and Nebula looking down and out. (In its own perverse way, it would be hilarious if the fate of the universe somehow came down to Hawkeye.)

But there are individual scenes involving two Avengers — one with Iron Man being lonely in space, and the other with Ant-Man surprising the remaining members of the team on Earth — that open the door for a couple of interesting arrivals and wrinkles in the Avengers’ plan to defeat Thanos. Here’s how the new trailer hints at what might play out.

Who is going to save Iron Man in space?
The first part of the Avengers: Endgame trailer finds Iron Man drifting in space and running out of sustenance and oxygen, sort of like The Martian if the Martian were a sad and beat-up Tony Stark.

If you saw Infinity War, you’ll know that there were two factions of superheroes fighting Thanos in two different places: on a planet called Titan, and on Earth in the African nation of Wakanda. Thanos defeated the Avengers on Titan first, after Star-Lord bungled a plan, allowing Thanos to acquire Doctor Strange’s Infinity Stone. Then Thanos moved on to Wakanda, where, after acquiring Vision’s Infinity Stone, he eliminated half the life in the universe with a snap of his chubby purple fingers.

Left behind on Titan with Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, Iron Man watched his two teammates evaporate right in front of him. That’s where this trailer, with Iron Man drifting off and dying “alone” (technically, it seems he’s with the cybernetic assassin known as Nebula, which is basically like dying alone), ostensibly picks up.

So Endgame will seemingly begin with Iron Man needing a cosmic rescue. And that sounds like a job for Captain Marvel.

Avengers, Avengers Trailer, Avengers Official Trailer, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Avengers Sequel, Scarlett Johansson, Black Widow, Chris Evans, Captain America, Chris Hemsworth, Thor, Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man, Thanos, The Wasp, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, 2019, Avengers 2019, Movieclips, Trailers, Trailer, Movieclips Trailers, Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: Endgame trailer, avengers 4, avengers endgame, How the Avengers: Endgame trailer hints that Captain Marvel will save the day (and Iron Man), iron, iron man, marvel,

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